
IEEE Internet Computing

IEEE Internet Computing helps computer scientists and engineers use the ever-expanding resources of the Internet.IC and IC Online publish the latest developments in Internet-based applications and supporting technologies and address the Internet's widening impact on engineering practice and society. The magazine targets the designers and developers of Internet-based applications and leading edge technologies -- the early adopters who develop tools for the web and the high-end users who want to use tools that exist on the web. IC's content reaches over 11,000 subscribers internationally, comprising leading researchers, developers and engineers (76% industry, 24% government/academia).

IEEE Computer Society

  • PrePrint: Fine-Grained Access to Energy Resources of Smart Building via Energy Service Interface
    The IT ecosystem of smart city is characterized by “systems of microgrids based on local resource availability that provision fundamental services (e.g., water and electricity) through an intelligent management system (gathering, aggregation, etc.)” [1]. Among the resources, this paper focuses on energy that has been investigated in the fields of smart grid and smart building. This article investigates the way of how a smart grid infrastructure accesses the energy resources in a smart building to obtain data and/or to control them. In particular, we highlight Energy Service Interface (ESI) that plays a communication gateway role at the boundary of a customer building, but has not been studied much yet. We examine its design principles, implements and deploys an ESI prototype, and illustrates interactive energy services between the grid infrastructure and smart buildings through the ESI.

  • PrePrint: From Web Intelligence to Knowledge Co-Creation—A Platform to Analyze and Support Stakeholder Communication
    Organizations require tools to assess their online reputation as well as the impact of their marketing and public outreach activities. The Media Watch on Climate Change is a Web intelligence and online collaboration platform that addresses this requirement. It aggregates large archives of digital content from multiple stakeholder groups and enables the co-creation and visualization of evolving knowledge archives. This paper introduces the base platform and a context-aware document editor as an add-on that supports concurrent authoring by multiple users. While documents are being edited, semantic methods analyze them on the fly to recommend related content. Positive or negative sentiment is computed automatically to gain a better understanding of third-party perceptions. The editor is part of an interactive dashboard that uses trend charts and map projections to show how often and where relevant information is published, and to provide a real-time account of concepts that stakeholders associate with a topic.

  • PrePrint: Distributed Computing on an Ensemble of Browsers
    In this paper, we propose a new approach to distributed computing with web browsers and a prototype framework called WeevilScout. The proliferation of web browsers and the performance gain being achieved by current JavaScript virtual machines raises the question whether Internet browsers can become yet another middleware for distributed computing. With 2 billion users online, computing through Internet browsers has the potential of amassing immense resources thus transforming the Internet into a distributed computer ideal for common classes of distributed scientific applications such as parametric studies. As a proof of concept we demonstrate how a cluster of globally distributed Internet browsers is used to compute thousands of bio-informatics tasks. WeevilScout is available at

  • PrePrint: DELTA++: Reducing the Size of Android Application Updates
    Compression can be a useful tool to reduce network bandwidth usage. We have developed an improved compression method for Android application updates called DELTA++ that achieves an additional 50% traffic reduction when compared to Google Smart Application Update. We estimate that the extra reduction in network bandwidth use from using DELTA++ would be about 1.8% of all annual cellular traffic in the US. Increased battery discharge from DELTA++ was found to be negligible. If similar methods were to be used for iPhone application updates even larger savings could be achieved.

  • PrePrint: Characterizing Facebook's Memcached Workload
    Key-value caches play an important role in the infrastructure of many Web sites. Analyzing their workloads can lead not only to a better understanding of how these unique tools are used in production, but can also lead to better design decisions in future implementations. Abstract This paper analyzes the workload of Memcached at Facebook, one of the world's largest key-value deployments. We look at server-side performance, request composition, caching efficacy, and key locality. Our observations lead to several design insights and new research directions for key value caches, such as the relative inadequacy of the least-recently-used replacement policy.